Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nothing Like a Coat of White Spray Paint

Remember these lovely beauties I picked up on this thrift store adventure?  I love the smell of thrift stores in the morning.  However once you haul your treasures home you have to DO something with them or else it was a mute point.  Or compulsive hording....  I felt the basket and leaf platter were just beautiful on their own.  The textured vase and little bird were another story.  I wouldn't use the term "hot mess" BUT they were getting close. 

I laid out the items on a board for stability and to prevent them from getting naturey bits in the paint.  The item on the right I forgot to mention.  This was a wooden tray that I picked up from a garage sale where I got my vintage dresser turned TV stand with a coat of yellow paint. It was a whopping $1.00 so I went for it.  It does have a wooden inlay that despite TONS of sanding is still textured.  I was hoping to put a fabric bottom in to cover the inlay and add a pop of color!

I started out with a coat of primer.  I will self disclose that I have NEVER used primer in my paint jobs before.  However I am trying to be a better person so I brought it into the picture. 

This was followed by many light and even coats of bright white paint.  AHH the beauty.  They all look so crisp and white.  Glowing perhaps?  I am excited to help them find a "home" and for what might come out of the tray and what fabrics might find their way into the bottom!

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